CYC New Member Promotion – June 6, 7 & 8

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

CYC is having a 3-Day “NEW Member” Promotion on June 6, 7 & 8th!   

During this limited time it will be 50% off of CYC Entrance Fee and Membership Fee for all NEW Members.  This 2019 offer ends on June 8th.
We need CYC members to help spread the word about this club promotion. Reach out to your friends, family, neighbours, your crew, work colleagues and anyone else you may think would be interested in joining Chester Yacht Club.
Bring your guests to the Club for our Friday evening hors d’oeuvres starting on May 31st or to our Thursday evening BBQ starting on May 30th to watch the racing in front of the yacht club.

We have several categories of membership based on age.
Reach out to [email protected]  for more information and membership application form.

Friday June 7th is New Members Night at CYC.
Hors d’oeuvres starts at 6pm and will be provided by CYC.  The CYC Executive and Social Committee will be helping out.
Please bring all interested people to the club on this evening to meet our friendly members, new members, executive, committee members and staff.
Remember this NEW Member Offer ends on June 8th 2019!

2019 CYC Nominating Committee

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

As prescribed by the Chester Yacht Club Constitution I have appointed the 2019 Nominating Committee.

Committee members are: Barbara Grigsby, Past Commodore, and Gillian Reid, Past Vice Commodore, and Stephen Flinn, CYC member. This committee will seek, receive and consider nominations for the Executive Officers and for members of the Long Range Planning Committee. The nominating committee shall be required to table it’s report to the executive at least 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Notice of the slate of proposed nominees for the Executive Officers and members of the Long Range Planning Committee will be posted on the notice boards and website at least 10 days prior to the AGM.


Thane MacDonald, CYC Commodore 

Happy Holidays!

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

Happy Holidays everyone!

The Executive, Flag Officers & Management of Chester Yacht Club sends Warm Wishes to you & your family for a wonderful Holiday Season and Very Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy & Peaceful NEW YEAR!

Commodore  – Thane MacDonald
Rear Commodore – Bruce Flinn
Vice Commodore – Cynthia O’Connell
Secretary/Treasurer – Lara Parsons
Past Commodore – John Curry
Club Manager – Kim Johnson
Learn To Sail Director – Christine Santimaw
Long Range Planning Committee – Victoria McGregor, Susan Crocker, Wayne Grigsby, Art Backman, Sara Filbee & Janice Anderson
Chair Chester Race Week 2019 – Daniel MacMillan
Flag Officer Trophies – Sue McAlpine
Flag Officer Club Handicapper – Ivan Fitch

Flag Officer Membership & Social Committee – Carol Dodds
Fleet Representatives –  John & Topher Wurts (Classics); Malcolm Fraser (Bluenose); Rick Thompson (Chester IOD); Art Backman (Handicap)

We look forward to seeing you and your guests at our annual
CYC New Year’s Day Levée to welcome in the New Year
with our usual offerings of Eggnog & seafood chowder!

Tuesday, January 1st, 2019  1pm to 4pm