Notice of Annual General Meeting – Wednesday, August 26 1700hrs

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

To the Members of Chester Yacht Club

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Wednesday, August 26th at 5pm.

The Meeting will be conducted virtually on Zoom in order to allow access to a broader range of the membership. Connection details will be shared with members. The By-laws specify that members present will be able to vote. Precedent has been set in Nova Scotia, stating that under the current state of emergency, members connecting electronically will be considered “present”.

Please find below the Agenda.  The Advanced Proxy Voting Form (to be completed if you are not able to join electronically) will be in the Member-section of CYC website.

Yours sincerely,
David Creighton, Commodore

Notice of Meeting
The Annual General Meeting
Of the
Chester Yacht Club
will be held on 
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
on Zoom meeting
To Join Zoom AGM Meeting email [email protected] for link

Message from CYC Nominating Committee:

Dear Members of Chester Yacht Club,
Your Nominating Committee is pleased to announce our slate of nominees for the Executive Officers and members of the Long Range Planning Committee.

Executive Committee:
The following executive are re-offering for next year, 2021 (your vote not required):

Commodore                     David Creighton
Rear Commodore            Sean Pearce
Vice Commodore            Jennifer Chandler
Secretary Treasurer        Lara Parsons, CPA, CA

Long Range Planning Committee:
New Nominee                 Paul Dyer ( to replace Art Backman)
Janice Anderson has served 2 years and is nominated for another 2-year term to be voted on at the 2020 AGM

LRPC Members  (vote not required):
Reg Goodday has served 1 year of a 2-year term
Malcolm Fraser has served 1 year of a 2-year term
Ross Romney has served 1 year of a 2-year term
Sara Filbee has served 3 years (4 years maximum)
This will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, August 26, 2020.
Please join us in expressing appreciation of these members who have volunteered to accept the responsibilities of running CYC and steering its long range direction.
Stephen Flinn, (Chair Nominating Committee), Gillian Reid, Barbara Grigsby



The Annual General Meeting will be held at 1700, on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 by Zoom meeting. 
All members of the Chester Yacht Club are encouraged to participate in the Annual General Meeting.
All senior members are eligible to vote.


1 —   Minutes of the previous Annual Meeting
2  —  Review and adoption of Financial Statements
3  —  Report of Vice Commodore
4  —  Report of Rear Commodore
5  —  Report of Commodore
6  —  Report of the Nominating Committee
7  —  Report of Long Range Planning Committee
8  —  Old Business
9  —  New Business
10 — Adjournment

Remembering Chester Race Week….

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

With Chester Race Week on hold this year, we thought this would be a great opportunity to look back at our history and compile photos from our community of sailors and supporters.

We have a few pieces of CRW swag to give away to winning submissions from pre and post-90’s, Classics, Distance, IOD, Bluenose, Cruiser, PHRF and general good times (Prince’s Inlet?).


Facebook Tag
Chester Race Week

#CRWPhotoContest2020 or tag Chester Race week on Insta