Chester Race Week 2020 Postponement

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

To our CYC Community, It is with heavy heart that the CYC Executive received the note below from our Chester Race Week Steering Committee. We have agreed with their recommendation to postpone Race Week until next year. We appreciate the tremendous effort they have made in seeking potential solutions while managing the unknowns, as have many of the skippers who … Read More

May 10, 2020 COVID-19 Update

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

Dear CYC community, Commodore Update: Following on our series of Club updates in the midst of this viral storm, developments and forecasts have become increasingly fluid. While at this point it’s difficult to project where we’ll be as the summer unfolds, our regular club activities will most likely be disrupted. Last week, Sail Nova Scotia hosted another of their meetings … Read More

COVID-19 Update (April 3, 2020 Notice)

kimmyjThis Week at CYC, Uncategorized

Dear CYC Community, The CYC Executive wanted to follow up on our March 18th COVID-19 Update. The challenges we’re all facing continue to evolve and the safety of our community continues to be our key driver. The Executive attended a meeting earlier this week organized by Sail Nova Scotia. The purpose was to share ideas and experiences of the yacht clubs across ... Read More

Chester Yacht Club – Covid-19 Update

kimmyjThis Week at CYC

To all members of the Chester Yacht Club: The current Covid-19 crisis represents unchartered waters for everyone.  The Executive and Staff at the Chester Yacht continue to monitor this evolving situation and the impact it will have on the summer season ahead.  The health and safety of all our members and staff is of course the greatest importance. In light ... Read More