CYC Junior Sailing

Sail Jam

Sail Jam

Sail Jam LYC CYC Masons Island | August 2020

With no formal regattas on the docket in 2020 due to COVID-19, Christine Santimaw (Learn to Sail Director, CYC), Rob Barbara (Learn to Sail Director, LYC) and Chris Tully (CYC Head Coach) organized the inaugural Sail Jam regatta (combination of CYC’s canceled Opti Jam and LYC’s Sail Fest).

Sail Jam was raced off of Mason’s Island over two days. Registration for each sailor was a $10 membership to MICA, the Mahone Islands Conservation Association.

MICA’s mission is to protect and conserve the natural environment of the islands and shoreline of Mahone Bay, and the traditional, social and recreational opportunities valued by its various communities.

We had representatives from MICA speak to the sailors at the end of Day One about the history of the Bay and their duty to respect and conserve our beautiful islands.

We plan on making this an annual event.

Sail Jam
LYC CYC Masons Island | August 2020