Sailor’s Code of Conduct
Sailor’s Code of Conduct

The CYC Sailor’s Code of Conduct has been developed to let you, a CYC sailor, know how you are expected to act during your time in the CYC Learn to Sail Program. Appropriate behaviour will allow you to become a well-rounded, self-confident sailor and CYC member. All sailors must respect CYC Rules and Regulations, Sail Canada’s Code of Conduct and the NCCP Code of Ethics.
We expect the highest level of sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play, and good behaviour from you. The use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco of any kind, by any participant, at any time, is strictly prohibited. As a member of this team, you represent CYC, the Junior Sailing program, and your family. Your behaviour, on and off the water, should be to maintain this level of sportsmanship and conduct, and make other sailors proud to be a part of this organization.
In order to achieve this, we ask you to:
- Sail for fun and the love of the sport – enjoy yourself!
- Listen, ask questions and watch others to see how you can better your skills
- Learn sportsmanship, discipline, confidence and self-control
- Be a team player – learn the rules and play by them
- Appreciate the contribution each person makes
- Always be a good sport and set a positive example for others, particularly younger sailors
CYC does not tolerate any form of bullying, be it based on ability, age, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion or socio-economic status. Non-compliance of this regulation will result in a revision of your registration, possible suspension, and the possibility that you will be asked to leave the program.
As a CYC sailor, you must respect your coaches, your peers, and the members of the Club. Fun and safe learning environments are essential to the CANSail curriculum. Sailing is a difficult sport to master and having a respectful and supportive environment is crucial.
You must respect the CYC Sailing Program’s equipment and facility. Like hockey, skiing, and cycling, sailing requires equipment that is not inexpensive. CYC is fortunate enough to have an extremely supportive senior club that strives to provide its junior sailors with the best gear and boats so that all sailors have the opportunity to learn the joy of sailing. Similarly, the program’s instructors put in significant effort to maintain equipment so that it will last and provide the best sailing available. We ask that you respect the equipment, caring for it as best that you can.

We expect you to…
- Use good language. The use of profanity, obscene language, or obscene gestures is not permitted.
- Respect your instructors, your fellow participants, opponents and officials. The rules of Sail Canada and CYC are to be observed by all.
- Take care of your equipment and treat it like it was your own.
- Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. CYC sailors must realize that they represent a tradition of fairness in competition.
- Be on time for sessions. Being late holds up your group and they cant hit the water without you!
- Never participate in any physical or verbal violence or fighting, under any circumstances.
Penalties and Discipline Enforced by CYC
Failure to follow the CYC Sailor Code of Conduct will result in consequences. The CYC disciplinary system works on a three-strike policy.
- First Strike: The sailor will be warned by an instructor. The strike will be recorded on the sailor’s file and the LTSD will be notified.
- Second Strike: The sailor will be warned by an instructor. The sailor may be asked to sit out for the rest of the class/day. Parent/guardian will be informed and asked to meet with the LTSD to discuss the first and second transgressions and to make a plan to avoid any future misbehavior. The strike and meeting notes will be documented in the sailor’s file.
- Third Strike: The sailor will be asked to sit out for the rest of the day, for the rest of the week or for the remainder of the session, depending on the severity of the incident. Parent/guardian will be informed and asked to meet with the LTSD. The Commodore will also be informed. The strike will be documented in the sailor’s file.
Continued abuse of the rules by a sailor participant will result in expulsion from the program. Parent/guardian and the Commodore will be informed. The strike will be documented in the sailor’s file. No fee will be refunded.
Expectations of Parents and Guardians
Since CYC sets expectations for our Learn to Sail participants, we feel it only fair that we apply the same standards to parents and guardians. We also need your help for our program to succeed. By setting a good example for our sailors, you exemplify our expectations of sportsmanship and fair play.
We ask you to:
- Encourage your child to play by the rules
- Make their participation fun
- Support their desire to learn to sail
- Show a positive attitude toward the CYC LTS program and all of its participants
- Emphasize skill development and how they benefit your young athlete
- Applaud a good effort in victory and in defeat and enforce the positive points of the sport
- Familiarize yourself with your child’s LTS program
Additionally, we always welcome feedback from you. We ask that if you have any concerns that you first address your concern(s) with your child’s instructor/coach. If you are not satisfied that the issue has been addressed, then please take your concern(s) to the Learn to Sail Director (LTSD).