CYC’s Adult Learn to Sail program is a great introduction to keelboat sailing for anyone interested in learning the basics (no experience required) and those wanting to become a little more comfortable on a bigger boat.
The course will be lead by a senior instructor from our Junior Learn to Sail Program and will cover theory and on-board practice.
- Members and non-members welcome
- Suggested participant age is 19 years or older
The course will have two ‘sessions’ one of which will run on Monday nights and the other will run on Wednesday nights.
Session 1: Monday evenings will be in July & August: July 13 , 20, 27, August 3, 10
Session 2: Wednesday evenings: July 15, 22, 29, August 5, 12
The course will cover theory and on-board practice. A senior instructor from our Junior Learn to Sail Program will lead the course on a J-24, which provides a stable, comfortable and dry platform on which to learn or enhance your sailing skills.
- SPECIAL: 50% off new CYC Memberships for course participants
Register under the Junior Sailing tab – Adult Learn To Sail